Hall name Area, sq.m 2 Theater Class Block U shape Round Table Reception Банкет
Solnechnyi/Jemchujnyi 60 60 18 25 20 40 60 40
 Bridge Arena Pavilion 420 350 150 100 80 250 350 250
Hall "Russkii" 500 400 150 100 100 240 400 240

Solnechnyi and Jemchujnyi Halls


Cozy, chamber negotiation halls can be easily transformed in the sinlge working space in such a manner that gives the possibility to hold team training with theoretic part for the entire group and practical tasks with separate teams.

Both halls are equipped with FullHD 70” screens,  flip-charts. Capacity of each hall is from 20 to 60 people depending on the seating style, area – 60 sq.m.


 Bridge Arena Pavilion

Big Pavilion and Small Pavilion.
Original areas with transforming space and free lay-out.
Suits similarly well for business and ceremonial events. Equipped with led screen, sound amplification system, climate control system. 
Area 415 and 80 sq.m, height 11 and 5 m.
Capacity up to 350 people in theater style. 

Ruskii Hall


Perfect area for big groups up to 300 people. Suits similarly well for business and ceremonial events. Capacity: up to 400 in theater style. Area – 500 sq.m.

Adjoining toilet and dressing rooms.

Has both external entrance from the teriitory and internal entrance from hotel lobby.

Special separate zones for coffee-breaks and registration of participants.

Equipment: flip-charts, three multimedia projectors and three screens, modern audio amplifying system.


- flip-chart
- audio amplifying system
- interactive screen
- projector
- Wi-Fi


- video conferences system
- wireless or wired microphone
- desktop microphone
- microphone floor stand
- laptop with Internet access
- multipurpose device (printer-copier-scanner), А4 format
- portable audio amplifying system + radio microphones
- plasm panel
- LCD-projector
- portable screen – additional flip-chart


Turn key events
Events at any convenient time
Coffee-breaks, receptions, dinners
Conference manager